March 6, 2011

Sometimes you feel like a nut...

So, in attempts to prolong my vacation mindset (and tan) upon returning home, I purchased this coconut scented hand and body lotion by Desert Essence Organics at my local Whole Foods.  I figured it would bring me back to the blissful state of lying on the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and listening to the rolling surf.  Something about coconuts...they're tropical, they're nourishing, and smell like relaxing under a palm tree (may have something to do with the scent of most sunscreens...)  

I assumed the scent would wear off in an hour or so, as typical scented products do... But on several occasions, several hours after applying the stuff,  I'm either told that I smell "nice", or that I just flat out smell like coconuts.  So, although I don't plan on pushing products here on a regular basis, if you're looking for a healthy product to nourish your skin don't mind smelling practically edible, I recommend you start with this...

just thought I'd spread the love...

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